3 Simple Tips To Keep Your Food Great When Camping


Food – Possibly the best word to hear when camping…. Warm food on a freezing night is perfect for giving you a cosy night sleep or energy to tackle the next day. But it’s important you can prepare it correctly – so here’s 3 simple tips to take note for you next adventure. 

1) Don’t Forget Cooking Utensils and Storage Containers

So this sounds like an obvious one… surely I won’t forget that. But unfortunately it’s often the little things we can look over until we really need them. Write yourself a checklist, including scissors, can/opener and severing spoons as well as plastic bags to store half used ingredients to ensure you’re covered for your whole trip. 

2) Make Meal Plans In Advance 

Don’t leave this to the late minute… especially if you plan on taking a group with you. Planning in advance lets you work out what equipment and ingredients you will need for your travels – and dealing with the hunger and inadequate meals will be harder with a large group of people. 

3) Be Prepared For Bad Weather 

Relying on just a barbecue or the simple campfire is risky… poor conditions will harm your experience. Setting up a tarp above your campfire or bringing a simple camping stove are effective ways to tackle poor weather conditions from ruining your meals. 

Now you’re all set! Remember, good luck and have fun!
